5D Liberation 'Go-Anywhere' Coaching Session with Paul Le Clère (90 mins)


A 90 min 1:1 intuitive coaching session with Paul Le Clère on zoom, to explore your most pressing concerns and reveal new insights, solution pathways, to raise your vibes and levels of inner resourcefulness.

Besides intuitive questions and explorations, this session can include channelled messages, insights, energy and frequency transmissions, energy healing processes, past life references, activations of your higher-self awareness, connecting with your Divine Guidance/Guides and uncovering new ways of Remembering Who You Really Are.

All sessions are conducted online via Zoom.

Extended sessions of 90 mins are available by prior arrangement, for £140 per session.

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A 90 min 1:1 intuitive coaching session with Paul Le Clère on zoom, to explore your most pressing concerns and reveal new insights, solution pathways, to raise your vibes and levels of inner resourcefulness.

Besides intuitive questions and explorations, this session can include channelled messages, insights, energy and frequency transmissions, energy healing processes, past life references, activations of your higher-self awareness, connecting with your Divine Guidance/Guides and uncovering new ways of Remembering Who You Really Are.

All sessions are conducted online via Zoom.

Extended sessions of 90 mins are available by prior arrangement, for £140 per session.

A 90 min 1:1 intuitive coaching session with Paul Le Clère on zoom, to explore your most pressing concerns and reveal new insights, solution pathways, to raise your vibes and levels of inner resourcefulness.

Besides intuitive questions and explorations, this session can include channelled messages, insights, energy and frequency transmissions, energy healing processes, past life references, activations of your higher-self awareness, connecting with your Divine Guidance/Guides and uncovering new ways of Remembering Who You Really Are.

All sessions are conducted online via Zoom.

Extended sessions of 90 mins are available by prior arrangement, for £140 per session.

Please feel free to contact me at nextleveltransformations@protonmail.com to arrange timings and send me any information you feel would be useful for me to know, ahead of our 5D Liberation Coaching session…