New Earth Personal Liberation…

Facilitating Your Self-Empowerment

in Workshops with Paul…

New Earth Liberation - Your Self-Empowerment Workshops

It’s Now Our Time To Rise Up & Shine!

Have Some Fun Remembering Who You Really Are, with Paul Le Clère…

In Summary…

This is a self-empowerment & transformation event, to remove any blockages to experiencing an expanded state of being & access more power & inner authority, to better navigate the journey ahead.

We also explore some key principles of Holistic Community Building, based around Unity Consciousness & Harmonious Relationships, in order to co-create The New Earth Heart Based Economy…

Is This For You?

If you are realising that the world around you is not what you thought it was and are asking new questions, which seem to be hard to answer, then this workshop is for you. If you feel overwhelmed, anxious or concerned about world events unfolding, then this is for you. If you are looking to reinvent yourself and create a higher version of yourself, from the inside out, then this is for you…

If you are interested to explore holistic Community building or are actively involved with The People’s Health Alliance, A Stand In The Park groups, The People’s Food & Farming Alliance, Community Growing Hubs, Common Law Rights groups, Community Action Groups, Positive Living Groups, Community Assemblies, Conscious & Sustainable Business Communities, or if you have just had enough of the increasing limitations to our liberty being threatened, then this self-empowerment event is for you…

The Bottom Line?

Various inspiring & energetic uplift opportunities are provided, to help you step away from the current mental, emotional and physical challenges & step into your true power and inner authority….

The workshop experiences are designed to assist you to Remember Who You Really Are, whilst exploring new possibilities & expansive choices together, in a high vibe environment…

What is the Liberate Your Next Level workshop all about and what real value does it offer to you?

Here is a great example of Why I do what I am called to do…

“I have experienced big shifts in energy since the workshop…

Before this workshop I was feeling stuck, no movement in my life and a bit overwhelmed at the future. Since the workshop I have felt super-inspired, my energy levels have gone up significantly and my confidence has improved.

I feel genuinely excited about the future and feel I have the support to now move forward…” LV

The Liberate Your Next Level Workshop…

  • Interactive Discussions, Decrees & Meditations

    Presenting personal & spiritual expansion ideas in simple, easy to comprehend ways & trying the principles out, practically, in the workshop. Making new friends & co-creating new realities, together. Raising the vibration & frequency of the Community Group participants, to higher levels of insightful co-creativity.

  • Inviting New Choices & Perspectives

    Assisting you to explore new ways of observing & perceiving the Truth, in many different situations. Decoding the events of the last 3 years, so that we fully comprehend what has been done to us, in order to avoid further suffering. Accessing your own inner Power & Authority using Decree processes & Guided Meditations

  • New Insights, Fun & Self-Empowerment

    Creating a fun & lively atmosphere helps to get the most out of your precious time and energy invested in the workshop day. Everyone who has attended has had a fantastic day and leant lots of useful stuff, on many levels. Please see the testimonials below, and see for yourself what people are saying…

“Paul runs great workshops and is a brilliantly insightful and intuitive coach”

Pam Gregory - Astrologer

Paul’s Workshop Overview and Some Past Workshop Testimonials

(6 mins 9 secs)

A workshop overview from Paul and some heart-felt testimonials from past workshop attendees…

Liberate Your Next Level Workshop in Bournemouth - Participant Feedback…

Previous Workshop Participants Feedback

“The week following the workshop, I was due to appear in court and had been feeling really scared and concerned about it for a long time. On the day I was able to use my 'I AM' statements to assist me to create a powerful and confident state of being, and I believe as a result of this, the court experience went completely in my favour, in ways I could not have imagined possible. Thank you Paul! This stuff really works and is so simple and easy to apply - I'm not the same person I was before the workshop!!! I feel so much stronger and more self-assured in my life!” CM

“When I first saw Paul on an online zoom call I immediately connected with the heart energy he exudes. I knew I wanted to connect with him more and the workshop showed me why. It was so powerful and uplifting. I love Paul’s lightness of spirit and ease, whilst presenting the information in a way I was able to take in. There was a huge amount covered in the workshop and I am really grateful for pricing it in a way that is accessible to someone like me, who is unwaged currently. LV

Listening to Pam Gregory’s talk and receiving her inspiring energy was a dream come true. I was really shocked there was not hundreds on the workshop and I feel extremely blessed to have experienced this and connect with someone I know will both empower me and support me through the coming year. Thank you so much Paul - I really appreciate all that you are and the huge gift you are in this world” LV

Feedback on the Liberate Your Next Level Live Workshop in Ludlow, with Paul Le Clère

“Paul’s presence, authenticity, awareness, scope of knowledge and humour make complex topics easily understood. The exercises help to ground expansion and provide resources to carry forward, along with a wonderful group feel” LAB

“There were lots of resources provided to move forwards and after this workshop I feel there are lots of opportunities to keep going on this journey" FR

"I love how this workshop left me feeling inspired and empowered. Thank you Paul" AM

"I loved the empowerment of ‘I AM’ and after this workshop I feel better, more open spiritually and far more optimistic for the future of all..." AS

"The workshop was very enjoyable with great pace and encouragement. I found the decree section very powerful and on time for me" PM

"This workshop has been so comprehensive, informative, inspirational, connective and hugely positive for me. Paul was very tuned in and sensitive to any group needs, in a very welcoming and inclusive way. I feel very encouraged to learn that there is so much happening already regarding building 5D Communities" BB

“I felt connected to Paul and other members of the group. I dint usually feel comfortable speaking up in a group, but felt comfortable to do so in this workshop. I felkt emotionally tried before coming to the workshop and a little apprehensive. I have been wrapped in corron wool and soothed. Thank you!” LM

“The workshop has given me tools to continue on my journey” JS

“The workshop had a relaxed vibe which was good for a Saturday! It felt good to be in a like-minded group of people who had recognised the whole lockdown fraud” AMS

“This workshop has opened up my awareness to many things, including a better 5D understanding” JP

“I am keen to promote ‘Community’ and this workshop is aligned with The People’s Spiritual Alliance project” LS

Liberate Your Next Level Workshop in Bournemouth, with Paul Le Clère

"What I loved the most about this workshop was that it was well thought through & informative. So INSPIRING. I was wondering what my purpose was. Now I Know!!! Finding yourself & your inspiration, is really important for the future" WD

"This workshop has helped me to focus in on what is important, to open my heart, learn new techniques and understand in a deeper way, how to 'dial in' and explore my inner standing" JF

“I have had validation that I am on the right path. After this workshop, I feel better about the ‘I Am’ statements and everything we do on zoom. 5D Liberation is very powerful in person” AM

“I just loved being part of this group and seeing where I’m at - Awesome Paul! You’ve done this course so lovely, easy to understand and easy to be a part of it” CH

“Beautifully Heart Based. Paul is always very welcoming of any contributions. Before this workshop, I was a little concerned whether Communities were truly building. Now I feel much more hopeful!” CJ

“Brilliant to connect physically with others in the workshop & brilliant to access connections to the Divine, to manifest & empower the whole planet towards our new Golden Age” AT

“Love being with like minded people - a fantastic experience & well worth coming to the workshop - very enlightening!” AP

“A very thoughtful & heart centred workshop & a very satisfying & healing experience. I was made to feel welcome to speak up & share. The attendees were definately on the same wavelength. Paul is a beautiful 5D Leader, leading by example!” RO

“Good info. Learned new things. Felt welcome. Positive experiences during the practical exercises. Very insightful - opening eyes to new ways of thinking and being” CM

“I found the workshop well structured & it built up learning over the course of the day, leading me to the conclusion & confirmation that I am on the right path & all the answers are within. Paul was very relaxed and confident in his delivery, which is very reassuring” DM

“It was an informative & enjoyable day” TS

Raise Your Vibes 1-day Workshop in Hamble, with Paul Le Clère and Sarah Williams

“This workshop is just amazing. You learn, get empowered, remember your potency and the power of your inner self. Wonderful combination of human and soul aspects this was well structured, informative, empowering, inspiring, and always a great community feeling. My sincere gratitude to you both xxx” EVG

“This workshop has been brilliant. What I loved the most about it, was the positive energy generated!” AT

“Well organised and informative. Well presented. A full programme much needed at the moment!” CH

“This workshop covered absolutely everything I needed. I absolutely love this workshop. I learned some new knowledge and it was nice to feel connected with like minded people. I felt empowered at the end. You guys covered so much, I love the fact you had vegan options. The food was lovely. Perfect day. Please keep doing more of those and I will spread the word with love and light xxx” EW

“I really enjoyed this event. I felt really energised after the sound bath at the end, as I experienced a big release. This workshop would bring in feelings of empowerment and togetherness, for many others who have felt alone or isolated. Thanks for a wonderful day!” SC

“What I loved the most about this workshop was feeling connected to my higher self” TS

“What I loved the most was the grounding exercises and the ‘I Am’ affirmations. I will be incorporating these into my daily practise. Thank you both so much. This has been a truly enjoyable and inspiring day!” AR

“Thank you for a lovely day. Great to meet new people” JR

“I'm very new to this and I have learned lots and have realised my natural way is in line with all this. The guided meditation was incredibly powerful and emotional. I was not expecting to be overwhelmed with emotion. Thank you!” HW

“I have learned to call-back my own power from people around me in my life” CF

“It was awesome to make new connections and it was a wonderful and nourishing experience. Thank you both for this wonderful day” AF

“I really enjoyed the day and feel inspired to know more about community building and how we can all help improve awareness. I feel honoured to have been part of the experience today, with so many wonderful aware people. Thank you Paul and Sarah xxx” DL

“Before this workshop I was struggling with being peaceful. This experience has been very good for me” PS

“Excellent summaries and uplifting and empowering decrees” CJ

“Before this workshop, I was struggling with my energy levels. I now feel empowered and have tools to use, to help me remain in alignment, and keep focus on where I am going for the highest good. I have become more aligned and empowered to create our new world!” AR

“Thank you for raising my awareness of more opportunities, including community groups of like minded people, external environmental approaches and the stalls of crystals etc. All new ideas for me” DL

“The workshop helped me to remember tools for clearing, grounding, spiritual growth and development. I loved meeting like-minded souls and learning/remembering tools for our spiritual growth. Thank you very much for organising and sharing your knowledge with us!” DB

“This was an excellent workshop and I felt inspired, energised and peaceful afterwards” LB

“An interesting workshop covering so much that I was aware of. Most subjects were dealt with in small bites, but it all made so much sense by being presented as a whole” BW

“Overall, it was a brilliant day. I particularly liked Paul’s communication and meditations, but everyone was amazing, so well done to all involved. After this workshop I feel better about all the symptoms we are struggling with!”

“Oh my goodness what an incredible day! I'm so happy I went to this and I can't explain in words how great this was, and the content I got from this was insane! I came back from this bouncy with energy! Definitely raised my vibes!”

“Thank you so much Sarah and Paul for your amazing workshop. I can't wait for more!” ERW

“Thank you Sarah and Paul for a beautiful day. Lots of food for thought to be digested. You both did a wonderful job and thank you to all the stall holders and to the lovely people that catered the food!”

“Fabulous day. Huge congratulations. Hopefully the first of many more!” RJ

“It was an absolutely amazing day and so lovely to meet everyone. Wishing you all success with your future events xxx” PN

“Well done to you both for an amazing event enjoyed by all” JF

“Thank you, thank you, thank you, dearest Paul, a truly heart-warming day. With much love and gratitude xxx” PN

“Thank you, it was a lovely day!” PH

Liberate Your Next Level - Brockenhurst Workshop Participant Feedback and Testimonials…

“Before this workshop I felt confused by the feelings I had. Now I feel clear about this and more positive. This was a time of great clarity for me” MB

“Before this workshop I was struggling with keeping my vibe high. I now understand how what I put out comes back on the same vibrational frequency. I'm going to start living with more laughter. Thank you Paul” CW

“Before this workshop I was struggling with self-sabotage, procrastination and lack of belief in myself. I now feel better equipped to work out in the 5D gym and hold myself accountable to do my part. I am leaving with a clear plan to help myself Strengthen my Divine Connections. Huge thanks for an amazing day and your wonderful energy that you bring with you!” SK

“I feel more positive and optimistic about the future of humanity. I love the Decrees and the ‘I Am’ thing!” SH

“I love the Group Decree and the Meditation. I understand the morning information put us in the right place. There was a lot of varied information and content, which is great! I would recommend this workshop because it's good to gather with like-minded people. The workshop has great intent and content. To gather and do the Decree and come together in heart coherence and high frequencies, raises the individual, group and collective energies. It was also channelled to me recently, that this is important as it creates portals for Star Beings to connect with us” PW

“Thank you Paul, for putting yourself ‘out there’ and standing in your Divine Power and Truth. I am grateful to you for your Divine Masculinity and grateful for your inspired action to carry out this workshop and future ones and all the other work that you are doing” PW

“I have been quite withdrawn, preferring my own company. Today has reminded me of the importance of Community and the Power of the Collective. This has been an empowering event full of information and you hold space very well Paul. Thank you for a great day!” DR

“I feel empowered to look within myself for making and creating my future. It was lovely to share this experience face to face, in a group. I feel so much clearer now” SL

“I would recommend this workshop to share the vibe, spread the word and have this wonderful experience” MW

“This workshop is very much needed for all awakening people and a great reminder for others on their path - so much knowledge and experience shared, thank you Paul” AL

“The fabulous meditation reinforced my direction and life purpose” PG

“I really enjoyed the decrees and meditation, and the morning was helpful in setting the scene. Really useful tools were provided to help us move to our next level. Thank you for a great start to 2023 with like-minded beautiful souls” LL

“This workshop was very empowering and inspirational. Paul provided practical tools for living in 5D, raising our vibration and guiding us to find our own answers. It was a perfect balance of Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. Thank you for a wonderful day!” FS

“The workshop gave me a deeper understanding of how the ‘Fear Society’ is operating to try and repress us and how we can have the power to rise above this and enlighten ourselves to a bigger picture” DS

“I now feel much better about the future” SG

“After this workshop, I felt peaceful and connected and I loved the guided journey into the Temple space and the Decree process. Thank you Paul. I appreciated very much the content you put together for us and the energy with which you delivered it. Much love and gratitude” EG

“The workshop was very inspiring and a very wholesome experience. It's important to remember who we are and remember our Power and Light. Thank you Paul for providing great real life exercises that empower and lighten the load!” JD

“I feel more empowered by knowing that I can ‘Be’ and connect to my ‘I Am’ Presence. This workshop helps people to see how powerful they really are and I feel more empowered to stand in my power. Thank you so much Paul, I really enjoyed your workshop and your content was excellent!” VG

“Paul expresses with such clarity, around some very obstruse subjects and I love the images and diagrams” JH

“You took us on this informative journey, gently, with love and care. You made it very easy to understand and I left feeling joyous and also with an inner peace” AS

“This workshop has helped reset my Consciousness. I am feeling more expansive and in my Divine Power. I was interested in how my energy responded to the I Am’s and Decrees. I've learned a lot about myself and I've taken away many ‘Golden Nuggets’. Everyone on the ascension pathway would benefit from this workshop. To know how to co-create your path is a gift. The space felt full of love and very open. A fantastic day and I feel much more connected with myself/source. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Paul!” KS

“It's really good to remember who we are, how amazing we are and how important it is to think the very best of ourselves. Heart, heart, heart! Love is everything. I loved it all and very empowering” JW

“This workshop was delivered in easy to understand terms and language. The information was familiar to me and I have learned so much more. After this workshop, I feel more able to go forward into the new age with confidence, resources and knowledge, that I didn't have before. I’m also feeling that I can cope better with the existing 3D world, as it dissipates into 5D. Paul delivered this information with humour, experience and knowledge and no ego! His delivery of information inspires me to learn more and more! This is a wonderful workshop for embracing and understanding the personal undertaking one can take, to understand and move through the changes at the present time. Thank you so much for today!” CW

“What I loved most about the workshop was the clarification of my inner knowing and inner feelings about the way the world is. It felt great to be part of the Group Decree Process and I’m feeling much excitement about the unlimited possibilities to come. Paul is a fabulous facilitator and keeps the workshop upbeat and fun in-between the serious information flows. A great balance of listening and interactivity, with perfect break times. Thank you!” PH

“I really enjoyed being in a room full of like-minded people, raising and holding Light for Humanity. All Communities could do with these resources that Paul offers. Thank you so much Paul for shining your Light!” PR

Previous 2022 Workshop Testimonials…

“I was fortunate to attend Paul’s workshop, ‘Face The Fears and Shift Up Gears! Reconnecting With Who You Really Are!’ and what a delight that was! He explored, with great clarity, the way the Fear Narrative has been constructed and how we can step away from that paradigm and begin to create our own more empowered reality, both individually, and in Community. He also suggested practical and grounded ways of doing that and working with the challenges that inevitably arise in group, team & Community dynamics.

We did some powerful exercises, using ‘I AM’ statements which proved very illuminating, and really shifted our vibration. Then an equally powerful guided visualisation, which was the high spot of the workshop for me personally, connecting me with a deeply embodied sense of who I truly am.”

”Paul’s facilitation is grounded, clear and deeply heart-centred and I loved the blend of the practical, and the spiritual, and how accessible that can be, when presented so simply. For me, this workshop reinforced my sense that maintaining a stable, high vibration is crucial for us all in navigating our way, through this transition, and co-creating a world in which we all want to live. It also offered the tools to enable us to do just that. I left with my vibration high and feeling empowered, in myself, to hold that, regardless of what the outer world is doing. If this resonates for you, then please, give yourself the gift of this workshop.” AC

'I felt liberated and inspired!' RL

'More resourced to stay conscious and hold my vibration - I have a more embodied experience of my true being' AC

'Excellent workshop. Amazing clearing energy' MM

'The workshop has been just exceptional and liberating and I feel uplifted indeed!' BF

Register Your Interest:

1 day live workshops, arranged by request, in your local area

Please use the button below to register your interest in running an event for your Community Group and Members to participate in…