FB Friends Research Findings - Aug-Sep 2021

Dealing With The ‘Plandemic’ from an ‘Awakened’ Perspective

Biggest Challenges, Hopes and Most Valued Support &

What Does ‘Becoming A Divinely Inspired Sovereign Being’

Mean To You?

Thank You to Everyone Who Took Part in this Research - Please see the ‘Thanks’ page

Countries included:- UK, USA, Canada, Netherlands, New Zealand, Australia, France & South Africa.

Quotes From Research Participants…

“This report reminded me of my life journey to reclaim my Sovereign connection to my Universal Truth, which is Love. This was the final punctuation mark, to completely ground me into the full Knowing of “I’m not wrong!” and “I was never wrong!”.

“Knowing” is the re-emergence of the Divine Feminine. In past lives this was revered, as was the Divine Masculine, where both were United in Balance and Mutual Respect” Deborah Ackroyd

“Thank you for the wonderful work you have done - great stuff!” Lorenz Jooste

“Hi Nick, I really enjoyed reading through your findings and it was super easy to digest in the way you had formatted it, so i wanted to say a big thank you for that and it’s shed some more light for me on how something so incredibly insane and awful, has forced us all into higher states of consciousness and TRUTH” Kelly Crosby

“Wow! That's a truly fascinating chunk of research. Cheers me up to see so much positivity and deep resolve to follow values and beliefs of honesty and integrity and a deep knowing as to what is right” Barbara Hosker

“The work you have done on this is outstanding Nick, Well Done!” Annette Elizabeth Ostrowska

“Thanks Nick. That was interesting and inspiring. Good to see so many trying to find a positive outcome!” Imogen Robins

“Hey Nick! I think the report is great! It's a pretty comprehensive capture of the "temperature" of Humanity at this moment in time. I think it's a great collection of the real thoughts and feelings of the people going through this experience. And it makes me feel normal - even though I don't care about that and my rebel side says I don't even want to be that! lol!

I don't know the geography of the different participants, but I do know that at least you and me live on different continents, in somewhat different cultures and have had different lives and life experiences especially, because we are different genders. Yet in spite of all that, you and I are on common ground regarding our principles, our beliefs, our attitudes, our hopes, our fears, our dreams and our passions” Michelle Adkins

“That is so cool! Thanks for doing all that - it is so great to see how many folks are on the same page (or at least in the same chapter!) It’s very encouraging!” Christina Hamilton

“Great work! An affirmation of what we are all going through; we need to be like innocent children and fellow creatures - live in the now and give what we want back, love and joy (wherever we find it!)” Karen Bailey