Poetry and Channellings - Some Older Stuff, Then Newer…

Contents - Please scroll down for…

The Great Divide and the Parting of the Ways

(2012 Channelled Poem/Commentary)

The End of Duality and Ego Centered Life

(2012 Channelled Poem/Commentary)

Exploring The Envelope and Shedding Skins

(2012 Channelled Poem/Commentary)

Arcturian High Command - Light Signals

(2021 Channelled Commentary)

Some Cosmic Views on Our Current Choice Points…

(2021 Channelled Commentary)

Approaching The Switchover!

(2021 Channelled Poem/Commentary)

Finding God Along The Way… Again!

(2021 Channelled Poem/Commentary)

Serving Notice To Mr Frosty

(2022 Channelled Poem/Commentary)

The Great Divide and the Parting of the Ways (The Birthing of Golden Age Consciousness) - 2012

All will be bathed in the brightest universal light

Some will love it and some will fight

To fight is to die and that's for sure

As the lower-level consciousness will be no more


It will all, eventually, come to a ‘head’ in you

Triggers fired, fuses blown and emotional spew

The end of your shadow staying ‘behind the scenes’

Finally! all your ‘under the carpet’ areas cleaned


Deepest fears are set free to roam

Three dark days and nights of the soul, to come

Nowhere to run and nowhere to hide

All rests on the work you have done inside


Your past dirty secrets and lives as a villain

Corrupt, nasty and perhaps still unforgiven

So do the work on yourself - face it and let it go

Acknowledge, release, cleanse, purify and flow


For soon is the birth of the Golden Age

The careful turning of a brand-new page

The way of Enlightenment and Highness of Being

Opening the heart as it becomes all seeing


New eyes, ears, nose and throat

Jumping ship to a completely new boat

Natural beauty fills your senses

New neural pathways for new comprehensives


With senses heightened, new sensibilities unfold

A new beginning of greatest stories ever told

Monumental changes leaving intellect behind

An outdated processor – the ego mind


Old ways of thinking so important back then

Have no place going forwards, we say Amen!

Transducing the energies through your newly activated core

Complete abundance, harmony, loving kindness and more


Truly, you have no idea what's ahead

A world without ego, fear or dread

Hard to comprehend with your puny brains

Pretending to be so clever with superficial claims


It's going to run deep and sharp and true

The beginning of the end, for the old version of you

And yes! how you try and figure it all out

Sweat your brains and grimace and pout


Forcing yourself into a ‘Corner of Doom’

Missing the open doorway leading out of the room

The heart is the compass and feelings the guide

Stop thinking it through, or you will tan your hide


Painful as it is, to let go your precious thinking

Our ‘poke in the eye’ will keep you blinking

Until you get the message once and for all

Or persist in your old story, doomed to fall


There is no one to blame, except yourself

You have all the gifts, sitting on the shelf

It's up to you to bring them down

Top shelf treasures and innate wisdom abound


You are surrounded by your greatness and majesty

Either your own Liberation, or your own Catastrophe

The choice, as always, is yours to make

The choice to experience your ‘wake’ or ‘break’


Ending the old stories of limitation and lack

Letting go the sadness, loneliness and black

Your darkest hours can be left behind

No more need to re-live the ‘remind’


So let it all go and good riddance too!

Stuff you experienced just wasn't you

The real you is waiting to be born once more

Living in a New World where no-one is poor


Your slavery is over and help close at hand

Legions of angels with love to command

Step out of the old restricted being

Liberate yourself and remove the false ceiling


New heights, new lights, new hearts of gold

The most incredible story ever told

Creating your way back to heaven on earth

Transforming your landscape with great mirth


For with the light comes laughter, playfulness and fun

Continuous pleasure for everyone under the sun

For those who cannot change and make the shift

There's a new place ready – get my drift?


Where you can play your limitation games

Until you are ready, willing and able to change lanes

As 2012 passes, more and more is revealed

All secrets let out and dirty dealings unveiled


The lies, the con jobs and the greedy elite

Sitting pretty for years, seemingly complete

The houses of cards come crashing down

Made powerless in a stroke, a grimace and a frown


The old tricks of master puppeteers are blown apart

Strings and ties severed completely – the end of their art

Again and again us ‘Muppets’ wake-up

Newly aware of the travesties of the corrupt


Anger released and disbelief at the scale of it all

Well-designed systems to keep you controlled and appalled

‘Follow the Money’ and you will find the ‘Kingpins’

Politics and media completing the deadly sins


No leaders to trust in – they all have to go!

It's time for pure hearts to have their say so

A Whole and New World is being born

Through a series of revelations, storm after storm


Fires and floods, wind, rain and shine

A better world is coming for mine and thine

Only love is needed, simple but true

And nothing else will do, for me and you


(Louis Armstrong “What a Wonderful World” playing in the background…)

Only love! Only love! Only love!

— Channelled by Nick Le Clère - 7/7/2012

The End of Duality and Ego Centered Life - 2012

Shocked to the core, you all will be
More than can be cured with another cup of tea

Biscuits on the side will no longer taste sweet
The old ways of getting through things, now complete


All at once, in a flash of light
Great darkness will fall, to test your sight

Remembering ‘who you really are’ under pressure

Will become the only rewarding measure


Remembering and accessing your ancient talents

To recall and utilise as each situation warrants

This will be part of the essential phase shift
For all who remain with Gaia must lift


The lightness of being, so resonant and clear

Feeling more alive, complete and sincere
More happiness and laughter than you can imagine

Abundance and plenty for any bold vision


And that’s the switchover – it’s how you will see

It’s all from the heart, loving both you and me

Anything less and its back down the Snake
No more Ladders, you've made a mistake


The only way up, is through ‘your self’
Looking inside and dusting each shelf
Wiping up the muck and grime and dirt
Chucking out the old stuff, the bitterness and hurt


Saying goodbye to what you thought was you

Clearing out the Ego and pain you felt true

For the only truth is LOVE and that is that!

So much for intellect and complex claptrap!


Its ‘Back to Basics’ but without John Major
Or any Prime Minister - they’ve lost their wager

The ‘Old Guard’ is leaving, in disorderly style

You can smell their stench, mile after mile


The arrogance, indignance, greed and hate
The convenient illusion that ‘they are your mate’
No longer empowered to dis-empower us
Corrupted, dejected and ejected from the School Bus


This planet is ascending with Love and Light

No longer the place to conflict and fight

Somewhere else you can go for all that
No more pretence - these New Laws are exact


The ‘Old World Management Team’ is hanging out to dry

As those who really know themselves, cut all ties

Choosing to live in the Highest Good
Being of true service, creating a new neighbourhood


New Kinds of Community and Unity living
‘HD Ready’ for ultimate giving (HD = High Dimensional)

Driven from the Heart in every way
Overflowing with love, day after day


Hard to believe this could be you?
Keep buying the lottery ticket - or ‘let go for it’ do!

How much love is in the core of your being?
You are the one that must be redeeming


Acknowledge your fears and then let them go

Clear out your inner space and let in your glow
For the more crap you can clear out and transmute

The more like God you will emulate


For God is Love and That’s All Folks!

Learn the same music, but with enchanting new notes

Harmony and melody that soothes your soul

Spectacular fireworks and wonders to behold


For you are the Creators of Miracles and Magic

Born out of love and leaving behind the tragic
No room for hapless victims or arrogant jerks
The end of your Ego Tricks, that drive you all berserk!


The ‘Simple Truth of Love and Light’

Will end the fight and doomed plight, tonight
For when you can truly love all that is, freely
You liberate your existence, wholly and completely


Love is the Key you have been searching for

And all along, its been at your Door
Waiting for you to ‘Turn and Click’ into Being

Allowing yourself to become ‘All Seeing’

With the Highest Love and Light, to One and All…  

— Channelled by Nick Le Clère - 30/7/2012

Exploring The Envelope and Shedding Skins - 2012

What you see out there is what you are

The GOOD, the BAD and the truly UGLY

A reflection of our true selves IN DEED

An experience of all our own making - how bizarre!...



Our personal influence is far reaching

Further than the eye can see

Searching, searching, searching for the next ‘NUT TO CRACK’

The next new thing, new deal to sign

All the time, thinking MINE!, MINE! MINE!


When in fact we come here, all wrapped up in a skin

And when ‘PUSH COMES TO SHOVE’ we enter this world

Where’s my laptop? Where’s my IPhone?

How will I pay my hospital bill?

NO WORRIES!!! What blissful innocence!

To simply be born - PURE AND SIMPLE


Truly valuable commodities that sustain a life


And YES! - SELFISHNESS is RECOMMENDED in this regard

For it STARTS and RETURNS again and again to LOVING YOURSELF...









For all your SPINS of the “FREEWILL WHEEL’

Your ‘SHADOW SIDE’ choices and ‘EGO DEALS’

There’s so much more to EXPERIENCE





Starts with SELF LOVE... and ‘GETTING IN DEEP’





AND WHAT of your DREAMS...???








Take a closer LOOK at WHO YOU ARE...



Never too late to make AMMENDS

Never too late to create new DREAMS

A better version of a ‘TRUE BLUE’ YOU

Doing what you’ve always wanted to do









... THANK GOD!!!


YES... LET GO and LET GOD do all the BIG STUFF !!!



To BE OF SERVICE to OTHERS, in some small way




for in ‘SOUL POWER’ we TRUST

— Channelled by Nick Le Clère - 30/7/2012

Arcturian High Command - Light Signals Commentary - 2021

Your need to release your creative energies is intensifying and you are shaking off the last vestiges of the old 3D shackles of fear and lack of trust and faith, in both yourself and your Divine Mission.

The triggers are much clearer now and as you have yet again found, taking time to love, nurture and support yourself is now not an option, but fundamental to your vitality.

The next few days and weeks will be profoundly pivotal and nothing will be ever the same again. In a good way.

The old an evil empire has crumbled and much of the lies and deceptions you are fully aware of will be revealed in full public view and ‘glorious technicolour’, for all to see, hear, feel and know.

Your time of vigil and frequency holding is coming to an end as a Golden Era of prosperity, abundance and truth for all is birthed in your current reality.

Profound sources of ancient wisdom will be activated once it is safe for these powers to become fully exposed.

The levels of perception, precognition, manifesting and timeline travelling will all become heightened and available.

Your bodies harmonic balances will return and the pressures and stresses of life will be greatly reduced.

This has been a gruelling and arduous ordeal and one that many could not have endured.

Your family group has been brought together to both support this pathway and reveal the necessary healings along the way.

The highs and lows and falls from grace and favour have served your connection to the disorientation and hopelessness that many will feel during the forthcoming period of rapid change and associated vulnerability.

You will be Light Bearers and Truth Sayers with freshly unpacked new equipment and capabilities to support the necessary collective transformations.

Your financial resources will be radically enhanced as the new systems recognise your DNA and heart based codings.

We hear your requests for a comfortable home base and Terra Firma and these things, and much more, are on the way and you will not have to wait long.

Feel into the most profound timeline shifts and bring them to you.

Believe it into being. Feel it into fulfilment. Gratifying your greatness and create the impossible dream, for nothing is truly impossible anymore.

Since the 21st of December you have been assimilating, adjusting and acclimatising two the biggest energy upgrades and system reboot boots in galactic history.

The periods of dysfunction you experience are to be expected and self-care is essential, otherwise the proverbial ‘wheels fall off’ the transportation media (your being).

You are the human mechanism undergoing root and branch updates.

It does not have to be pretty!

You are short of a pressure release valve and have been for some time…

Movement of your bodies is key.

You must exercise to shift stagnant energy.

Your daily practises must now change to accommodate these new essential’s, or you will not survive…

Your body must move to adapt, adjust and decompress.

Your mind craves quiet, detached time in meditation and nature.

Your body craves fresh, natural foods and drinks, despite the rush of sugar foods and alcohol choices you have recently been making.

Your soul begs release from device dependencies, to attune to natural ‘feel good’ frequencies, not artificial AI attempts to control your attention and consciousness (that way brings less and less comfort and contentment)


The things you all crave the most are bursting from your hearts and you will notice that more, for what they really are, when you put away your devices and TVs and attune to the new Love Frequencies.


As you have known for years now, TVs and devices are laced with imperceptible but highly influential Fear Frequencies that are designed to inhibit your Divine Antenna and Connections .


With the ‘blocking sphere’ around the earth now dissolved, a higher frequency tuning and connection is now possible, like never before.

It's time for you to amplify not regress.


The 5D world is here and now, ready and waiting, all installed and good to go. You just have to choose to engage with the Dance of Light and love the unexpected bumps in the road.


Your powers are growing in a whole new ways.

Enjoy your exploring and we love your perseverance and determination to be all that you are.

Your waiting time is over.

It's your time to collectively shine and collaborate with joy and love in your hearts.

- Channelled by Nick Le Clère 4 January 2021.   

(The Arcturian High Council of 12).

Some Cosmic Views on Our Current Choice Points… - 2021


Last night I was exhausted and went to bed hoping to get off to sleep really quickly and catch up on some rest. Instead, this channelling emerged…

I hope this helps to explain some wider context to the choices we are facing and being presented with, on various levels…


“The dog tiredness and floppiness you feel currently is nothing to fight or feel down about. The energetic waves of high frequency Light, streaming into your planetary system are intense and prolific.


The different reactions to this, within the various ‘human conditions of consciousness’ and the wide range of ‘self-awareness states’ that exist in the collective, are truly incredible to witness.


From blissfully unaware to disinterested, from apathetic to distracted, from ‘in denial’ to ‘in conflict’ via judgments on different tribes, from ‘brainwashed compliance’ to ‘tin foil Mad Hatters’ and ‘conspiracy theorists’, from well informed conscientious objectors to well-resourced activists, from key players in the Divine Transitioning, to the vast support cast of ‘Tipping Point Enablers’ and the ‘New Future Facilitators’.


Wherever you are on this scale, you will be encountering major turbulence around your ‘normality criteria’, in this period of essential shakeup, revelations and realignment to Universal Truth.


As the blinkers are unceremoniously removed around the world, there is the growing spark of inescapable Divine Destiny, for the realisation of the fully actualised 5D Human Being – we call it the Homo-Stellar or Multi-Stellar Human condition to describe your advanced evolutionary state of higher awareness.


So many environmental disrupters are being deployed currently to interfere with and prevent this evolutionary awakening process, as the highly anticipated cosmic energies hit the planet now, activating your cosmic connections with increasingly forceful and powerful frequencies.


Even if you have done a lot of inner preparation work previously, this is distressing to many, mentally, emotionally and physically, because these HF waves are awakening, activating and upgrading the crystalline structures within our human energy field, that have remained largely dormant for millennia.


The ending of the Galactic Night cycles and inevitable movement into the New Era of Enlightenment is well underway now.


The only way you can avoid this is by choice.

Death is a choice.

Slavery is a choice.

Dis-empowerment is a choice.

Consent is a choice.


As a free will zone, your choice can either empower or disempower your state of being and your choice of future timeline.

The critical ingredient that precedes these choice-points is ‘The Personal Discernment of Truth’.


As many people are beginning to realise, for decades now the earth’s population has been seduced by various forms of mass attitude programming and belief conditioning.


Mind control systems with supporting environmental control mechanisms (which underpin the widespread beliefs in human paradigms of scarcity and lack) have been expertly and skilfully deployed, to remove critical thinking, the questioning of authority and to remove threats of mass awakening by providing a vast range of entertainment industry offerings, which has become a replacement ‘opiate for the masses’.


Through polarisation, divide and conquer strategies, fear-based manipulations and construction of social phobias (involving fear of judgement or ridicule by others) the people have mainly been corralled and conditioned into ‘blind faith and trust’ in an apparently caring and paternalistic model of ‘conscious capitalism’ and ‘considerate globalisation’, when the reality is just the opposite.


The people have been ‘CAPITALISED’ into commodity groups and the global control agendas have marched steadily towards the population reduction and culling programme. This has been coupled with the increased use of technology and AI ‘innovations’, being sold as ‘enhancements to the human condition’.


These offers are entwined with the longer-term agenda to harness and control the emerging super powerful, ‘superhuman’ condition and use that power for elite level agendas.


The analogy of being in ‘The Matrix’ while your body is used like a Duracell battery is really quite literal. We know you describe ‘The Matrix’ movies as factual documentaries, not just science fiction/fantasies.


And this is ‘The Art of the Con of Humanity’, that so many have completely fallen for. The mass control agendas have to be made public and visible through the global entertainment industry, which has been used to demonstrate this ‘world management compliance’ with Universal Law.


They can claim, until recently “We have shared our long term plan in the movie box office success ‘Film X’ (the list is endless isn’t it?) and the population loved it!!! So clearly we have their tacit agreement to proceed!”


So, in Universal Law terms this is the truth. Notice has been served to the population and reactions duly noted. The distinctions between fact and fantasy are merely timeline choices that most Humans are unable to comprehend at this time.


The same can be said for the corporate legal system in which ‘The People of the World’ are immersed in, at the registration of their birth.


They are ‘CAPITALISED’ into becoming a ‘corporate legal entity’ to allow the Maritime and Admiralty laws of the sea, to take over their rights. Whilst this whole process is fraudulent, your ignorance in this matter is ‘taken for granted’ and ‘a given’.


Currently, unless you reclaim your STRAWMAN and reinstate your Common Law/Constitutional Rights, you are considered a minor, or ‘an incapable mental imbecile’, in the eyes and ears of the law.


The carefully crafted ‘jurisdiction’ is where the ‘CAPITALISED YOU’ resides in ignorance, playing out lifetime after lifetime of unseen and unknown slavery.


In your recent decades, the Legal system has sealed itself within a self-contained knowledge bubble, with the origins of the legal and corporate frameworks being removed completely or edited, before being served up as facts, within the legal profession ‘education’ programmes. The commitments required to achieve this qualified status are so significant, that when achieved, most will defend ‘the system’ to the death.


The legal and corporate officials that emerge from this education system are like a generation of 12-monkeys, who do what they do, in the system they were born into, without knowing the original truth of ‘why’ and ‘how’ things really came to be this way.


Another example of this, as you know, is police officer training. By removing important references to Common Law Rights and replacing them with ‘Officer of the Law’ duties to their Corporate Masters.

They are no longer policemen and women, but Officers of your rigged and biased legal system. Your consent in ignorance is of course required to enforce these laws. Without it, you do not have to obey them.


This mass ignorance extends into the whole judicial system, your local Magistrates and County Courts, as well as the political, educational and healthcare systems.


The existing ‘World Management Model’ has been joined up by design to systematically reinforce the disempowered states of ‘The People of The World’.

And ‘The People of The World’ have become conditioned to believe the version of your history that has been taught in schools, and used to deceive you into accepting that ‘this is the way things are’ now, when there are so many other choices and timelines available.


So, where is this all going and what choices and timelines are available?


Some important questions are held in the balance and the answers will define the future for many…


Will the masses stay mesmerised by their trusted advisers in the media, government, business, healthcare, education, religious, and entertainment areas? (hypnotised and entrained with the public views of household names in which they trust implicitly) …


Will ‘The People of The World’ continue to believe TV news anchors that have spouted an approved version of current affairs for years, without question?


Who do people look towards in challenging times and are they worthy role models?

What do the Kardashians think about having the vaccine?

Let’s all do what they do, because they should know the best thing right?


All the many variations of this ‘Deferred Responsibility Model’, reveal the same underlying choice – ‘to give away your discernment and decision-making power to someone else more intelligent than yourself’.


So this principle, is what much of the whole situation boils down to and the clear opportunity to make this choice is now very real.


How many of ‘The People of The World’ will do the necessary paradigm shift work, or make the necessary breakthroughs, to take back their internal power, in order to make better personal decisions, from the inside out?


How many people will develop their superpowers of perception and discernment, rather than go along with the flawed logic, disputed science and conflicted consensus of so-called professional opinions?


How many people will allow mass censorship to remove their perspective of truth and true choice?


These choices are now immediate.

The evidence is about to be made very public, in ways never before comprehended.


A parting of the ways is upon ‘The People of The World’ and becoming more aware of your own innate wisdom, insights and intuition, is of paramount importance.


It is literally a matter of life or death.

Liberation or slavery.

Truth or lies.

Conscious expansion or human disconnection.


A choice between Divine Expansion or Evil Suppression (of the emerging superhuman condition).


Everyone in your world is now required to make their choice and face the consequences… the Truth is coming out, ready or not.


We wish you only love and light on your future journeys.”


- Channelled by Nick Le Clère - 13 January 2021

(Aramaeous - High Council of Syrian Elders)

Approaching The Switchover! - 2021

All around the world, we shout…

“Stop the lies and get them out!”

The darkest deeds anyone can do

Beyond the comprehension of me and you


Evil so black it's beyond the pale

A “Golden Age” is peaking out, from behind the veil

The Earth - Is it flat, or is it round?

Why it's both silly!!! we'll call it “Flound”


Levels of existence like a ‘layer cake’

Encapsulated in an energy field for Goodness Sake!

Thanks for nothing NASA, your CGI stinks!

Landing on the moon? Wise nods, smiles and winks!?!


Is there anything true about the world we “know”?

Or are we following footprints in freshly laid snow?

Bullshit abounds like never before

As their wobbly ‘House of Cards’ falls onto the floor


How far will We fall? Or will We rise?

Depends on the work we have done ‘inside’

For what you see is not what you get

We are not AI, at least, not yet!


Our Divinity cries out now, as you know…

“Do not forget the Star of the Show!”

We have forgotten the Boss of the Pen and Blender!

A ‘lost 3D mind’ out on a drunken Bender!


But what about Mindfulness the gurus say?

Don't forget to be ‘more aware’, each and every day

But Mind-Games are for ‘clever fools’ and ‘the slaves to come’

It's Divine Love, Truth and Power, that's the real Shogun!


The Emperors and Sovereigns Decree Their Thrones back!!!

No more struggling in scarcity and lack

“Fuck that!” I hear you saying, “I'm not staying neutered!”

“I Am Divine Creator” is the Expansive New Future!!!


The Ascended Masters are with us All

Assisting our Ascension and standing tall

We are the Love and Light of God…

No more sleeping, in the Land of Nod!


“The Sleepers Must Awaken” and here we are…

Shining our Light, Our Beacon and Star

“When the Shit Hits The Fan” as it surely must

We will stand firm and not turn to dust


The swamp is being drained before our very eyes

The evil revealed is no surprise

To us, at least, for we know more

Not subject to Satanic Rites or Freemasons Law


A Phoenix to rise from the smouldering ashes?

As we leave behind the 3D clashes

We switch timelines and dimensions too

More empowered choices for me and you!


Stay and help, or off and fly?

All around the universe, in the blink of an eye

Our Soul gets to choose what's next anyway

Much better than the 3D grind, day after day


With Hearts full of Divinity

We Bliss our way to Infinity


Loving ourselves along the way

Expressing our Joy, day after day


Our Divine Righteousness knows no bounds

As the wonders are revealed and the Divine Trumpet sounds


Endless love and only love…

That's all and that's more than enough…


- Nick Channelling 11 August 2021

For Lady Leana of the Light

With Heartfelt Gratitude and Appreciation for Your Divine Assistance

Finding God Along The Way… Again! - 2021

When the journey is long, patience is usually required

Especially when its bumpy, and people get tired

Worn out by the travelling and windy roads

Driven by passion, with ideas that can explode


Calling out to those, who apparently can hear

After working up ideas, for more than a year

Following feelings and insights, it's all about trust

Assisting people’s choices to evolve, is a heartfelt must!


This is a Life Calling of very different kind

Requiring expansion, to get out of the mind!

Seems like making some crazy choices

Whilst Listening to your Inner Voices


Running out of money

Like there's no tomorrow!

Wondering how to cope

Is it beg, steal or borrow?


And factor in the kids and their secure future…

Maybe some regrets about studying the Kama Sutra?

Oh, For Goodness Sake, do get a grip!

Okay, you were a bit late, in getting ‘the snip!’


But kids are the joy, the love and the light

Even when they're grumpy with each other and fight

How to ensure they remain safe and sound?

How to retain all feet on the ground?


And pay for all the things that they enjoy

The fun and games and Steiner education deployed

To assist their development in the highest way

Whilst surviving on Benefits cheques, payday to payday


Leaps of Faith into ‘Whole New Worlds’

Creating with Love, but rationally absurd…

“Get a proper job and bring some income in!”

“Or you'll end up living in an oversized bin!”


“How can you have no money and let your kids down?”

Perhaps expecting Love, but met with a frown!

But Hooray! the Sources of Love are changing, don’t you know?

Going inside now, is the only way to go!


For without Loving yourself

You'll be left on the 3D shelf

Riddled with fear, insecurity and doubt

Drained and empty, and unable to shout


So Divine Creator it is! and embracing ‘Holy Shit!’

Letting go of the ‘fears’ and doing your Divine bit

Expanding into Love and meeting Ascended ‘old friends’

Is better than drowning in pain, till the bitter end!


The only way is up and not down for sure!

Goodbye to feeling empty and always wanting more!

Love is more than enough, for all new futures

Once we heal the rifts, and close-up the sutures


Becoming Open to Receive was the biggest ‘Ah-har!’

Learning to Trust the Divine again, was ‘Raising the Bar!’

Past betrayals and loss were all too painful

A lot of Divine Healing and Re-Focus enabled


Excepting that yesterday's sorrows, can be left in the past

No longer a flag being run up the mast

Allowing My Inner Starlight to shine the way

To focus on a New Life and Divine Love, day after day


Lady Nada’s Decrees was just the start

The evolution process is powered by My Heart

The Desire to Serve and To Be of Divine Service…

My True Self is lit up and no longer nervous


So much potential to assist others ‘make the leap’

Releasing their shackles, no longer ‘blind sheep’


As a new friend reminds me:

“I am so very worthy”

Dreams of tomorrow…

Without the sorrow!


Owning my Sovereignty

And Restoring my Dignity

Divine Feminine Arising within Me

To Nurture my New Journey


So, We are the Ones, we have been waiting for!

A Hero’s Journey worthy of Arch-Angels in folklore!

We are made of the Stars and designed to Shine Bright!

Learn to Accept and Receive Divine Assistance, without wallowing in Shite!


Accelerate out of the rut, on that old dirt track!

Smile when you ‘wheelie’, because God has your back!

Look for ‘The Amazing’ and expect ‘The Best’

Be of Good Cheer, not depressed like the rest


In matters of the Heart, Love always wins

Loving yourself, is not a deadly sin

Leave all the lies and mistrust behind

It’s time to reset a mis-led mind


Let the past stay there and let sleeping dogs lie

Focus on the oven and bake a new pie

Because pie is good and helps you ponder

Maybe ‘Lost in Custard’ helps your mind wander?


Daydream, Imagine and Focus on ‘What’s Good!!!’

Choose to Create, without ‘ought’ or ‘should’

Release your Divine Truth and keep your Expansiveness flowing

To ‘Become Who You Really Are’ with a ‘Whole New World’ Knowing


I AM Divine Love, Gratitude and Truth… all revealed!

Divine Virtues activated with ‘Soul Missions’ unsealed

Ready to Manifest in a Divinely Inspired way

Let Divine Creator speak, and Let God have his say!


For I, AM Now, Gods Way!


- Channelled by Nick Le Clère - 18 August 2021

Serving Notice To Mr Frosty

A lot of cramming

With new information ramming

Getting it straight in my head

To make sure it's all said!


Calling the police up front was great!

Just a shame they refused the bait

What does it take to protect the people?

Why are the uniforms behaving like sheeple?


Do they need herding, or a cattle prod?

Where is the long arm of PC Plod?

Not showing up when children need them?

Whatever happened to protecting their freedom?


And then meeting the cleaner at the gate

Sent out in his shorts, to end our wait

Permission to enter? No thank you!

We are heading inside without further ado


And greeted by Mr Frosty the Head Teacher

Unhappy to meet two ‘conspiracy creatures’

What no handshake? Well, how rude!

An intellectual judge, in a very bad mood


Yesterday’s email must have hit the mark

Enough torpedoes to sink the Bismarck

All the evidence clearly laid out

Nothing he could do, but puff and pout


“I'm not interested in anything you say!”

Won't even give us the time of day

Children are dying, won't you take a look?

So very shocking, that your mind is so stuck!


‘I'll call the Police”, well we beat you to it

They know we are here, so it's just tough sh1t

You have to accept, that we are within our Rights

And no one is shouting, or starting fights


No! you are on the spot Mr Frosty

With no leg to stand on, so forget being bossy

It just won't work with me you see

Because I'm performing My Divine Duty!


Children are dying and you won't talk

We can't discuss it, or even take a walk

Asking us to leave again and again

Is just quite irritating and simply a pain


Won’t look at the evidence that’s in your face

Head teacher! Mr Frosty! you are a disgrace!

Blind to the facts and brainwashed too

It’s time to serve Notice of Liability to you


And not just you but the whole management team

Getting real now and ending your dream

The deranged notion that kids might die

But if they do, you now have no alibi


Your cover is blown with no hiding place

Back to being revealed as a big disgrace!

Mud on your face, or poo on your shoes

If anything goes down, it's clear ‘you lose’


So, I speak the words I'm required to say

Letting him know it's his ‘bad hair day’

Get real Frosty, this is going to hurt

There is no need to be so very curt


So that’s it served and there you are

I'll leave the Notice here, so Bye, Bye, Ta, Ta !

If you let the jab crew do their pricks

Then any problems happen, you are in the sh1ts


Everyone named will be in the dock

Tried for genocide and due to be shot

You think you're so clever Mr Frosty

But you had better pray, things don't turn nasty


And thanks for nothing our trusty Police Force

Ignorance is no defence, and nor is remorse

Failure to act, to save our kids?

Isn't this why we pay you, all those Quid’s?


What will it take to holt the corrupt?

To step in and help us clean this up!

Stand together against tyranny!

And help us protect our ageing granny!


Uniforms beware, the clock is ticking

Your complete absence is totally sickening

This is criminal and that's a fact

Where are your brains, in that Big Blue hat?


We are here to stand up together and this is our time

We are about to rise up, like sovereigns and shine!


The government is falling, man down, man down!

The COVID Commanders pants, are turning brown!


The game is up, and the Bad Guys Illuminated!

Hasta La Vista, Baby! – You are all Terminated!


The End. For you lot.

A New Beginning For Us.

This is Our Time To Rise Up and Shine!

Channelled by Nick Le Clère - 21 January 2022