Hi there, I’m Paul & this page is about what I’ve done previously, where I’ve been & some things about what I have learned along the way…

Please enjoy :-)

Big hugs, Pxxx

Paul Nicholas Le Clère - Bio Info

5D Liberator, Change Facilitator, Intuitive Life Coach, Innovator, Paradigm Shifter

Bio Info

Paul Le Clère is an intuitive life coach, liberator, and spiritual mentor dedicated to empowering individuals to rediscover their true selves. Through personalized 1:1 coaching sessions and transformative workshops, Paul facilitates journeys of self-empowerment and resourcefulness, guiding individuals to tap into their innate potential and true power.

With over 30 years of experience in strategic business change consulting, leadership coaching, and mentoring, Paul brings a wealth of expertise in leading project teams, enhancing business performance, and fostering organizational development. His skills in strategy development, learning design, workshop facilitation, training, and culture change are instrumental in enabling conscious business evolution and supporting new venture start ups, through the exploration and application of innovative "5D Enterprise" models and approaches.

Driven by a lifelong fascination with the paranormal and ESP/psychic experiences, Paul has cultivated connections with various spiritual beings, groups, and star families. Drawing upon these encounters, he offers insights, commentaries, poetry, and guidance to both himself and his clients, enriching their spiritual journeys. Paul is non-religious and purely spiritual in his inclusive outlook on life, the world, and the universe. FYI, Paul has changed his name from Nick to Paul in July 2022

Since 2021, Paul has actively collaborated with Community Action Groups, PHA Health Hubs, and Community Assembly members worldwide, alongside his friend and colleague Matt Bell, to co-create new ‘Positive Living Community’ holistic society models which highlight the emergence of the Heart Based Economy. Notably, Paul has spearheaded the design, development and launch of online learning journeys such as "Co-creating Your Positive Living Community" and "Own Your Freedom" aimed at empowering both individuals and holistic Communities to actively participate in the creation of a more harmonious and unified world. Please see www.positivelivingcommunities.com for more information…

Summary Work History

From Airfix models and woodwork lessons with my Grandad as a boy, to shop floor apprentice and mechanical fitter, in an aircraft manufacturing factory in Manchester, UK, in 1980.

1982- 1986. Production Engineering BSc Honours degree - sponsored by British Aerospace PLC

1986 - 1990. Project Manager - aircraft modifications system coordination and operations performance improvement project leader

1990 - 1996. Internal Change Consultant, Roving Troubleshooter & Strategic Change Program Leader - multidisciplinary teamwork specialist, leadership roles in various business performance improvement initiatives e.g. Simultaneous Engineering, Total Quality Management, Project Team Workshop Facilitation, Business Excellence (EFQM) Model, Business Process Re-engineering (enterprise wide), Business Plan Improvement Program top team facilitation (£50M pa Divisional loss to breakeven in 18 months). Also leading Culture Change, Performance Improvement, Values Planning and Organisation Development initiatives, across all British Aerospace Divisions (facilitating the Benchmark BAe Change program) totalling 55,000 employees at the time.

1996 -2003. Freelance Business Change Consultant and Leadership Coach, Trainer & Workshop Facilitator.

2003 - 2010. Program Leader and co-designer of My Performance Coach (MPC) product development, pitching to investors raising £1.25M cash funding and running commercial partnering negotiations with blue chip companies, new product development design work with well-known content experts, expanding the MPC concept into 40+ new product development collaborations, offering a brand new, award winning, Performance Support Coaching System innovation.

2010 to Present. Holistic life coach and intuitive business change consultant, 5D project coach, delivering personal evolution consulting, spiritual insights coaching and spiritual channeling, trauma release and Divine expansion assistance to private clients and small groups. In addition, building holistic business and Community living models and frameworks, which nurture Unity Consciousness and support the implementation of The Heart Based Economy, worldwide.

Who Is Paul? - The Longer Story…

For many years my change facilitator capabilities were delivered in business settings, having worked for 17 years (man and boy) in the UK Commercial Aerospace industry. I started as a 17 year old apprentice fitter on the shop floor, in an historic aircraft factory, building, equipping and final assembling regional aircraft.

On the shop-floor, I quickly leant ‘The Art and Science of Rowdy Banter and Piss-Taking’ and realised that the best defence against experts in this field, was a good, proactive offence, lol. I also learnt that there were a lot of highly intelligent people working as skilled and semi-skilled workers, who never had the opportunities for advancement that I had and were treated like idiots by the management, who ruled by fear. Such a waste of true potential back then.

During the ‘Falklands Crisis’ the Nimrod reconnaissance aircraft and 3 Vulcan bombers came to the Woodford Manchester Factory, for new system refits. In this ‘war mode’ everything changed. People pulled together and crashed timescales to make things happen overnight, which would have normally taken months. The whole factory came alive and people were literally ‘running’ to and from meetings. People slept in their offices. Then the aircraft were sent out, after about 12 weeks, and everything returned to the previous normal.

Q. Why does it take war, for us to work together and put aside our petty differences I wonder? How could we do that in peacetime? It was a fascinating insight, at an early and impressionable young age for me!

Anyway, after 2 years of Craftsmanship training in aircraft assembly, I got ‘all distinctions’ in my exams and was pulled out of my aircraft fitter career path and sponsored to do a 4 year Production Engineering Honours degree in Leeds (Yorkshire, UK). I had a ‘Right nice time!’ there. I came back during the academic holidays and did a series of Departmental Appreciation Tours and gained amazing insights across the whole research, design, engineering, procurement, manufacturing, sales, contracts and customer support processes. I saw and experienced the ‘whole business machine’ and commercial aerospace process, end to end, very early on.

After graduating, I started my first appointment in The Project Management Office. I worked as a problem solver and change agent, acting across the various technical, engineering and commercial disciplines and departments. I co-ordinated the aircraft modifications systems initially and then led many different innovation projects, to eventually, became an executive change programme leader, team/leadership coach, trainer and workshop/group facilitator.

I was naturally coaching leaders in business, when ‘coaching’ was still confined to the world of sport in the late 1980’s..

I ended up becoming a ‘roving trouble-shooter’ and Internal Change Consultant, working across the British Aerospace corporation, which at the time had 55,000 employees and various Divisions across the UK, with several UK and International Collaborations, that included Airbus and The Rover Cars Group.

Over this 12-year period, I designed and delivered 100’s of different group/team workshops, training courses, learning programs and communication events. I assisted in designing, facilitating and implementing strategic performance improvement initiatives, business plan improvement programmes and new business/culture change processes, working at Board Director and team levels and throughout the top 200 Executive Leadership populations. The most remarkable change programme I facilitated, was the Avro Business Plan Improvement Programme, which transformed a whole Regional Aircraft Division, losing £50M per year, into a breakeven position, in 18 months.

I led many types of Innovation initiatives including: - business process re-engineering, organisation development and European quality improvement programs. I became a specialist facilitator of more effective project management and multi-disciplinary team working processes (Goal Directed Project Management), in strongly functional and ‘fixed mindset’ organisation structures. I was always a square peg in round holes really and had ideas that were ahead of my time.

Various assignments involved designing new and improved ways of working and then implementing them, leaving the old, outdated working practices and defective systems behind. Innovation, business change, leadership coaching for high performing teams, became my passions, trademarks and daily practices, for year and years.

As a roving change agent, I was ‘parachuted in’ to shitty or desperate business failure situations, all over the company, and told to sort it out with those involved. I subsequently developed ‘a very thick skin’, and a lot of self-confidence in dealing with ‘difficult’ people. I used to say “It’s good practice for when civilisation collapses!” lol.

Me in Corporate Change Agent Mode!

After 17 years, I left the aerospace environment to go freelance in Dec 1996, as a self-employed business change consultant, executive/team leadership coach, workshop facilitator, trainer and innovator. I worked in many different industries and sectors, internationally, on various performance improvement programmes, leadership development initiatives, training and business/culture change programmes. It was fun going into industries I knew little about technically, working with their top teams and being able to blow people away with really great questions, that got them thinking differently and nudging them ‘outside their familiarity boxes’ and comfort zones.

Since a very young age, I had always been interested in psychic phenomenon, ESP and the Angelic realm. As a child I seemed to know and sense things instinctively, that others missed. The many psychic readings I had in my teenage years always ended the same - “You could be sitting here doing these readings for others…” and “You are connected to the Great White Brotherhood…”.

At the time, there were cars and girls and sports to think about and I didn’t really follow that up seriously back then, although I always seemed to ‘know things’ about people and situations quite intuitively and ‘felt’ things very deeply. I subsequently realised I was highly empathic, which when you are ‘unaware’, can cause many problems during normal human interactions (as some of you may know yourselves). Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries!

After going self-employed at the end of 1996, and before the turn of the Millenium, I started to get much deeper spiritual callings. I had already invested in leading edge training in Neuro Linguistic Programming, with highly reputable UK companies like John Seymour Associates and PPD Personal Development. This was radical learning, in small workshop formats, alongside global masters of communication and personal change, who all demonstrated 100% integrity.

I continued to explore various personal empowerment approaches, including Tony Robbins Mastery University, where fire-walking and climbing up, then jumping off the top of telegraph poles (in a harness!), showed me that the impossible was ‘merely’ a belief change away. This also showed me how powerful we all are, as 1000’s of people, from all walks of life, were all able to overcome their fears, learn how to empower themselves to do ‘the impossible’ and do it all safely.

During this time I changed my diet, habits and beliefs and lost 12 stone (76 kilos) in weight over an 18 month period. From XXL to M/L clothes sizes and even a shoe size reduction of UK 9 to 8. I have to say this was great in many so ways, but was also expensive, having to change out my wardrobe 3 times! I had also reversed the ageing process and looked 10 years younger. People I had known for 10-15 years or more, didn’t recognise me, lol.

Significantly chunky (in a lot of the wrong places!)

18 months later and 8 Stone Lighter - Slimline Me - Fit as a Butchers Dog!

It was in this ‘detoxified clean state’ around 2002, that my daily meditation practices deepened and I started to get visions and flashes of Divine inspirations. I started channelling commentaries on world events, future events and even poetry. This came from sources like The Pleiadian High Council, The Council of 12, My Spirit Guides, Arch-Angels, My Guardian Angel Ishmael and The Eloheim, amongst others. I also studied and practiced Reiki and developed my psychic capabilities, through various mentors, who just seemed to appear out of nowhere!

During one such morning meditation, I felt huge pain in my heart from feeling into all the poorly managed change that people in business were being subjected to (and that I had witnessed in many of the organisations I assisted) and I asked how I could change that.

The response was me drawing a 1-page diagram in my notebook, like a screen shot, of various buttons that accessed new means of support and assistance, made available to people in their moments of need, in the work place or their home space. It was interactive, multi-media based and utilised practical tools and techniques, with a library of short, focussed and inspirational video clips and ‘emotional state change’ techniques to empower people, like a personal coach might do, if they were there with them.

A Divinely Inspired Business Innovator at Work…

That 1 page download, was the beginning of a 7-year journey to bring the vision to life. To help people to help themselves, move to their next level and beyond, in their Moments of Truth, on-demand. It was called My Performance Coach, because it had the potential to sit on everyone’s computer, next to My Documents, My Computer, etc. It represented a new genre of performance support coaching system.

During this period, I knew this was a Divinely Inspired Mission, because I would wake up most mornings, spring out of bed and say “Who can I inspire today?’ and really mean it! I led an international design and software development team to create a product demonstrator and we set up various video shoots, in very cool locations, to interview some amazing and inspiring ‘experts’ in their fields of performance, change, leadership and well-being. I channelled and applied a simplified version of Joseph Campbell’s ‘The Hero’s Journey’ model, to the initial product format and experiential structure.

We won a global learning technology innovation award in 2007, which should have been our spring board to major success. However it was all way ahead of its time. No broadband, only dial up connections available and the web only just getting off the ground properly. Getting the investment needed was up and down and quite problematic, as was the commercial partnering we wanted to achieve, with some big, already established corporate names, to get us expanding and growing faster.

To cut a long story short, after personally raising £1.25M+ of cash investment (half of that my own families) and 7 years of full-on effort later, the wheels fell off the business. They do not call it ‘the bleeding edge of innovation’ for nothing. My commercial business partner let me and the team down badly and failed to pay some important company bills, which had unseen consequences. Some key people, including myself, had become corrupted and disconnected from Divine Source. This was a very painful realisation process which required a significant period of coming to terms with, for re-alignment, self-observation and re-orientation.

What happens after you have ‘failed your Divine Mission?’. I made some big mistakes. I let down people I cared for deeply. However I am also now much clearer, that both myself and this project were actually ‘taken out’, as the capacity and potential to bring Light and Empowerment into the world was very high. I was also made aware by my Spiritual Team, that I had been utilised as a ‘Karmic Broker’ for some of the people involved. Sh1t really does happen.

My ‘recovery’ took about a year. Given the different types of mental, emotional and physical detoxing, that I once again implemented on myself, I subsequently channelled a modality of healing called ‘Energy Systems Coaching’. This involved communicating with and clearing blockages and flows of energy around, the chakras, or energy centres, both inside and outside the human body. I started a Life Coaching Practice using this and other wholistic techniques, to empower and transform my clients lives, with profound results for them.

This was also when I met my wife to be, Ishala, at the 2010 Mind Body Spirit event in London and subsequently we got married and had children. Ishala was Australian and for several reasons we emigrated, shortly after becoming pregnant with our second child, believing we would have better family support and a better quality of life there, for our children growing up.

We came back in just under 2 years, having discovered much more than we bargained for. My wife started to remember the most horrendous and inhuman experiences imaginable from her childhood, that made a Stephen King horror novel seem like a comic book. Satanic Ritual Abuse, Pedophile Rings, torture, mind control programs… all ‘off the scale’ evil.

Our attempts to officially report these matters, ended up in betrayal by a close friend/police officer and close family members. We were under intense, daily psychic attack from a group of dedicated evil doers, and we felt our children were at risk in various ways. So we evacuated ourselves back to the UK, facing a financial and emotional train wreck.

It became clear that from a Universal perspective, my wife and I were brought together to uncover the horrendous truth and it was my role to support my wife through a painful realisation sequence and a subsequent Divine emergence process, like a Phoenix rising from the ashes.

Back in the UK, there were many ongoing interferences that we had to energetically clear and return back to Source, not least curses and impediments on our finances and income generation. I ended up working part time at Homebase DIY Store, on the shop floor, for a period of time, for £7.50/hour, in order to continue to receive government benefits . I had always loved DIY projects, engineering and woodwork and was quite experienced personally. I always found woodwork and DIY a form of relaxation. Previously being an aircraft fitter were also handy skills!

Ironically, during my time at Homebase, I developed a Customer Fan Club and people would walk in, ask for me by name and if I wasn’t working that day, walk out again, lol. This would ‘baffle’ my Homebase shop floor colleagues. I would also take time off to run corporate training workshops earning £1000/day. But, I could not seem to manifest enough of these assignments, no matter what I did.

There were also significant blocks presented for me to find some appropriate, well paid jobs. We had to remove some very dark and evil curses placed on our income and family. This was a very difficult and stressful time, especially with 2 young children to nurture and support. I sometimes think of these as ‘The Wilderness Years’.

On the Shop-foor at Homebase in Lewes, UK - ‘DIY’ was my middle name!

I eventually manifested new sources of funds and worked on various consciousness enhancement initiatives as an Evolutionary Life Coach and Change Facilitator, with private clients, small scale. I was engaged as a part-time interim manager to revamp the marketing impact and deliver strategic coaching assignments, with a leading edge Emotional Resilience training and consulting company, with great success.

There were also some corporate leadership and culture change assignments coming in as well, but these seemed less and less attractive, despite the money being good. I continued to hold a never-ending and heartfelt desire to expand the impact and reach of my Divine Assistance, to others in need of life change support, at the right time.

When Lockdown started in the UK, I was immediately aware of the false narratives and the media manipulations being used. I realised that my ‘Discernment’ training course for this C19 depopulation agenda, was ‘My Australia Experience’, where trusted people betrayed our trust and where things were not what they appeared to be. The capability to see through the lies and deceit had been well developed previously.

It was also at this time that my Spirit Guides came back in strongly saying “You need to stop your corporate work and focus on accelerating conscious human evolution'“ and start guiding and facilitating “The Empowerment of People’s Soul Superpowers”. I was also made aware that this needed to be a scalable approach to reach people all around the world.

The 2 years previously, I had been learning about creating online courses and how to put them together, to enable ‘transformations’ to happen, not just ‘information sharing’, as is so often the case it seems. I signed up for a London Real Business Accelerator ‘design as you go’ course and created a 6-week online digital program ‘6 Steps to Access Your Soul Superpowers’. The participant results were amazing with multi-level benefits.

Then I got unceremoniously chucked off You Tube, without any warning or explanation. Perhaps ‘Module 1 - Discernment’ recommending that people turned off their TV sets and started using their own intuition and inner wisdom, might have had something to do with it - lol!

Anyway I lost some momentum and had to switch my entire video library to a new BitChute channel - Next Level Transformations. I also had difficulty bringing people to my free online webinars and could not get my social media skills good enough. And then I hit some family problems and had to look after my children through the subsequent lockdowns and home-schooling, while my wife set up her business differently. These and other pressures take their toll on personal relationships.

Since then, other levels of Divine Healing and Divine Connections have taken place and the life calling of co-creating the ‘Becoming a Divinely Inspired Sovereign Being‘ program has taken new shape and form, from both past experiences and Divine Insights. This is, in itself, a Divinely Inspired collaborative project, covering a wide range of high impact, human evolution themes, leading towards building a global community of ‘Inspired Sovereign Transformers’ who have decided to create their ‘HeartPrint’ in the New 5D World we build together.

The IST Club was also set up as a direct result of my channelled messages from my spiritual guides and intuitive insights, to set up a global and empowered community of Inspired Sovereign Beings, who are up for getting real and important stuff done and are looking to access new 5D capabilities within themselves.

I have also recently been reminded and have remembered more about my soul origins. I already knew they included ‘Arcturian’, ‘Pleiadian’ and Galactic past lives. The new information however, was about my connections to ‘The Blueprinters’. In particular ‘The Divine Blueprint Technicians’.

I now realise that this is why most of my career has been about empowering people, on the many different levels of human experience. Assisting them to rise up and shine. Supporting them to access their own personal energy systems, intuition and Divine Power systems. Assisting my clients to feel courageous enough to take their power back, in order to overcome whatever challenges they face.

It appears that this is why I am here. To do this wholistic and multi-dimensional empowerment work.

My life purpose statement since the year 2000 has been ‘Assisting people to help themselves, move to their next level and beyond’, however the ways of doing this have steadily gone more holistic, in alignment with my expanding ‘Conscious Knowing Awareness’.

It is My Joy to Rise Up and Shine the Divine Light of My I Conscious Knowing Awareness, for the Highest Good of One and All and it is My Passion to Assist Others in Becoming Divinely Inspired & Liberated, from all 3D constraints.

By the way, for the avoidance of doubt, I don’t do religion, just Divine spirituality.

So, I hope the above storyline might answer some of your questions about ‘Who is Paul?’ (Or Nick, but that’s another story) and what I am about, and here’s to your Divine Greatness…

With My Deep Gratitude and Appreciation for Who You Really Are, already…

Paul Nicholas Le Clère

Checking Out the Vibes… it was a sunny day at least!

And now for some shameless name-dropping and photos…

I have been very fortunate to meet and work with some amazing people over the years… too many to name here, but some of these personally inspiring people are shown below…

Pam Gregory, Astrologer at a Christmas Dinner…

Sue Stone & the mysterious ‘Daphne’ at a Knowlton Church Equinox Gathering…

Matt Bell & I out and about Community dipping…

Three Power Women together - an awesome force of nature…

Catching up with Nick Stone from the Nourish Community and ‘the force of nature’ we know as Katherine Macbean, co-founder of The People’s Health Alliance and The People’s Food and Farming Alliance

Diana, Pam, myself & Matt doing our Holistic Community Building presentation together…

The amazing Shirley Battie…

A lovely pre-Christmas lunch with some wonderful Stand In The Park Bolton’s Bench people, including the legendary Diana Cooper…

A Stand in the Park special occasion - Pam Gregory’s birthday :-)

And here again with the lovely Jackie White, who kindly invited me to the SITP Group lunch - what a wonderful day with fabulous conversations and discussions with so many lovely people! Thank you Jackie :-)

An Amazing Workshop with Dr Joe Dispenza and Gregg Braden (clearly my hairstyle was influenced by Gregg)

Meeting David Icke at the London Premier of Renegade - What an incredibly brave messenger, to withstand so much ridicule and derision, for so long!

Meeting Lynne McTaggart again at The Conference for Conscious Human Evolution in London (in a very loud shirt)

Meeting Gregg Braden again at The Conference for Conscious Human Evolution in London (my hairstyle now thoroughly tamed)