Hi, I’m Paul

Thank you for taking a moment to explore my coaching offerings here…

I Love working with coaching clients who are ready to open their hearts & minds, to the incredible truth of who they really are…

They may be…

  • ‘Movers & Shakers’ in the Truth & Liberation Movements

  • Community or Hub Builders worldwide

  • Conscious Business Leaders with new ideas

  • Pioneers, Innovators, Paradigm Shifters & Change Makers

  • Dreamers, Creatives, Artists, Eccentrics & Idealists

  • Visionaries of The New Earth

  • or, Everyday People, who have simply had enough of the SSDD impositions and BS restrictions of ‘We The People’s’ True Freedoms, Birth Rights & Liberties…

So if you like what you see & feel here, then please do reach out & let’s explore what you wish to manifest in your life…

A Bit More Info…

‘Go Anywhere’ Liberation Coaching With Paul

I’ve had many spontaneous healing and coaching sessions with Paul. His healing sessions are very effective, relieving pain in my arthritic knee every time, and his intuitive coaching and uncanny ability to provide ‘on the spot insights’ always reframes whatever the issue is, and gives me a different and bigger perspective on it. Very helpful indeed!
— Pam Gregory, Astrologer, Speaker and Author

My highest intentions for coaching sessions with you, includes…

1. Assisting you to ‘Remember Who You Really Are’ & explore new ways to empower yourself, for the unprecedented expansion opportunities ahead!

2. Helping you to connect with your inspired internal resourcefulness & wisdom, to then be able to navigate your life challenges with courage & confidence, from the inside out'!

3. Opening up your bigger pictures & inviting you to step into your innate power and inner authority, to reclaim and enjoy the benefits of your Divine Birth Rights, as Divine Creator of your life experiences!

In my coaching session with Paul, I was able to clearly articulate a future vision for myself and define my priorities to achieve greater work/life balance, which was having a significant impact on other aspects of my life.
Paul has been instrumental in helping me to “hold up a mirror” to myself to see myself as others do. Specifically, working with him as my coach has materially improved my ability to empower myself and develop my time management.
Paul’s flexible and objective approach, with the right balance of support and challenge, enabled me to see a clearer path to achieving my personal development goals, frame and clarify my objectives whilst also offering practical tools, techniques, and suggestions to achieve them.
Paul’s approach is very professional and yet he also has a connection to spirit which attracted me to working with him. His listening skills, ability to understand, simplify and provide guidance and wisdom, has led me to connect with myself on a much deeper level.
Choosing Paul to be my coach was an investment in myself and one I am completely grateful for”
— Jackie White, Inspirations PLG

Please contact me to start a conversation…


What Coaching Clients Are Saying about working with Paul (previously Nick)…


Alida’s Experiences…

Dan’s Experiences…

Susan’s Experiences…

Nikko’s Experiences…

What’s Different about 5D Liberation ‘Go Anywhere’ Coaching?

“I started coaching and mentoring people, in both life and business situations in the mid 1980’s, (when coaching was limited to sports and before coaching became widespread)

Having invested heavily in my own holistic personal development over the years, I offer insightful and intuitive coaching experiences, which can explore many different aspects of your life experiences

All my coaching sessions are centred around your immediate needs, exploring possible solutions, and revealing the bigger picture of your higher purposes, meanings and callings, in this lifetime…”

Contact Paul…

If you resonate with my holistic coaching approach, then please reach out, let me know what’s going on in your world & ask me anything…

What People Are Saying About Coaching Sessions With Paul…


“In a very short time, around 30 minutes, Paul was not only able to grasp the main issue from my ramblings but also pinpoint the real hub of it - and came up with a realistic and fun solution! It crystallised something that has been rolling around my brain for a while.

Paul is deeply empathetic and understanding with a solid business background behind him too. What makes his sessions ‘game changers’ is his excellent connections with Ascended Masters and higher beings, who give only the best advice for our highest good.

Highly recommended - and fun too!”

Pam Gregory (UK)

“I am still feeling much better after our call Paul. Was so good to hear from you and I feel our chat came at a 'Divine' time in my life.

I fed some things back to Malcolm and he just burst into tears. He is so pleased we spoke to each other and we both want to thank you for your information and advice. It made perfect sense to us. So grateful for that. Lots to look into here. I am going to take a look into this ladies story about her autistic son.

Thank you so much for caring. If we are to be judged in our hearts very soon, then you are already a very wealthy man in my eyes”

Kelly Crosby (UK)

“Paul’s coaching is filled with important and relevant insights from his intuition. His higher intentions for you instantly create a mastermind that helps you define what you want or point the right direction for you. I strongly recommend coaching sessions with Nick”

Alida Guevara (Canada)

“Paul provides a coaching service that is packed with intensity and wealth of knowledge, one with integrity and heart based - one in a million”.

B.F. (UK)

“I am thrilled about my decision to move to Colorado in the next few months as the pathway opens before me. And I deeply believe I will be guided and funded to create “The Rocky Mountain Healing Center” along with an awesome Team of loving healers.

Great blessings to you and thank you for all your wisdom. Your coaching and inspiration are a huge influence on me”

Susan Brunson (USA)

“After a short Go-Anywhere Coaching session with Paul, he managed to identify a few personal traumas that l had not dealt with (because l didn't know how). He has given me some invaluable advice and given me a way to change my frustration to contemplation and start my deeply rooted healing process”

Mrs N Cook (UK)

“I have only known Paul for a short time. But in that time, his guidance has helped me to remember how I would bring about healing for others. He has become a trusted friend.

He has also helped me to get my chakra back online due to a neck surgery I had a few 3-4 years ago.

With his guidance I was also able to remove a black hole portal that was in me, draining my energy. His help has been invaluable to me.

If you are blessed enough to find and work with him, you will not regret doing so. Thank you, Paul, for your love and support. Much love and many blessings”

Dee Suter (USA)

“This was such an enlightening coaching session. In addressing this business challenge, my highest hope was for some practical suggestions and advice on an area I struggled to invest time and energy into.

Not only did I receive helpful practical guidance, but the shift in my own energy around this was completely unexpected. Thank you so much for helping to move my state back into ‘creative excitement’ around this. The sinking feeling has been transformed and I'm now in flow with ideas and inspiration.

So much appreciation. Thank you Paul”

Lisa Jayne (UK)

“Since our chat, I am feeling very calm, very ok with everything. Knowing that I can just be, that everything will unfold beautifully, has definitely taken some sort of pressure off.

I can’t say what the pressure was, but I feel calmer so there must have been something making me feel less calm before!!

I know that every life experience, everything I have ever learnt has been for a reason and I am so well equipped for moving forwards”.

Trish Andrews (UK)

Client themes can include…

Overcoming challenges on various levels both known and unknown, goal setting and manifesting, rising above limiting relationships and/or situations, I AM Presence connections and personal decrees, clarifying highest intentions, past life insights, new life callings, missions and visions, purpose and passions, self-love and compassion, trauma release and recovery, cutting karmic ties, new career and contribution paths, owning your emotions and choices, self-discipline and discernment, health and systemic dis-ease recovery, personal energy resets and balance, Community Focussed Enterprise strategy, facilitating change and paradigm shifts, new earth entrepreneurship, creating stakeholder value, love driven business, insights and intuitions, symbols and learning journeys, reclaiming Your Divine birth rights, commanding true lawful standing, innovation stimulation, Divine inspirations, cosmic and Star Family channelling, higher-self insights, conscious knowing awareness, multiple intelligences, big change agenda setting, heart-led projects for the betterment of Mankind, 5D enterprise strategy, Heart Based Unity Consciousness, The Heart Based Economy, practical action steps to make change happen and manifest your dreams and heart-felt desires…

5D Liberation De-coded…

For me this journey has been about becoming Divinely Inspired and feeling like a Liberated Being every day, regardless of the external (and sometimes shitty) situations, and always feeling connected to My Divine Creator Presence and My Conscious Knowing Awareness, rather than just My ‘thinking, feeling and doing’ 3D senses…

This self-empowerment journey was not about finding a new toolset, but rather about remembering and re-creating an empowered ‘State of Being’ and experiencing regular insights from within, which are accessible for anyone, who desires it from their heartspace…

For many of us, this remembering and realignment is our destiny, and this is our time to rise up and shine our Extraordinary Magnificence!

This is when you can finally choose to focus on reconnecting and reclaiming your true self from within, rather than fighting and struggling externally, giving away your focus, attention & energy…

When you choose to let the inside influence the outside, you open the learning pathways to Becoming Who You Really Are…

When you allow Love to drive everything from your core being, then life gets simpler, easier & more fulfilling, as you enter the quantum realme…