Free Weekly Public Zoom Meeting (45 minutes)
Every Thursday at 6pm London Time
Join us for a transformative and uplifting journey to:
• Envision the New Earth Golden Age and awaken your inner co-creation powers…
• Connect with your Higher Self, spiritual guides, and energetic resources…
• Align with your deepest desires and most expansive timelines, harnessing the infinite energy of Divine Love, Truth, Healing, and Power to create a future you love…
💖 All good hearts welcome! Reconnect with your true essence and step into your highest potential 🌟
We can’t wait to see you there!
Participants comments include…
“I have not felt as strong and connected for years, it was lovely, really appreciate this, thank you so much x”
“I have been waiting since 2020 to have this experience! It was beyond powerful”
“More powerful every week”
“Powerful - made my hands hot”
“Love blasts were strong tonight!”
“I felt the Love in my heart”
“I felt emotional, powerful and full of Love”
“My heart is so open now, really feeling it”
New Earth Visualisations & Decrees are not like prayers or affirmations.
These Decrees represent the Activation of your Divine Birth Rights and your own New Earth Liberation Power and Authority, to co-create the world around you.
The more of us who do this together, then the more powerful it becomes, as an amplified, energetic force of co-creation, for the highest good of humanity.
What’s included in the Decrees?
Co-creating an expansive New Earth Golden Age, together
The removal of all dark, evil and satanic influences in our 3D world currently
The removal of all poisons and toxicity in our bodies and in the environment around us
Calling in the revelations of all manipulations, deceptions, falseness and fakery, worldwide
Bringing about the end of tyranny and oppression of ‘We The People’ by directing our energy and intentions purposefully
It’s Our Time To Rise Up & Shine!
What happens in the Zoom meeting?
I set the scene, so you know what’s coming and how to get the most from the experience
I then read out the Decree statements, and then you get to choose at the end, if you want to claim the Decrees as your own, or not; That’s it…
We then spend a few minutes, sharing what the experience was like for any people who wish to, and that’s it done…
We leave with positive, magnified and amplified energy, sent out into the world, to assist the transformations we all desire the most.
Empowering The Awakened
Why am I doing this? (Just so you know)
1. It is My Joy and Passion to assist people to step into their Divinely Inspired & Liberated Power and Authority. It’s a State of Empowered Being you get to feel into, through this New Earth Liberation Decree process.
2. I personally know how powerful this Group Decree process is, having done it very regularly myself, and weekly, with various groups, since Nov 2021
3. Through this collective manifesting process, we are influencing positive outcomes worldwide, and by making these valuable and collective energy contributions, it enables our heart-felt manifestations to happen more quickly
4. We are being asked to Remember Our Divine Magnificence, and step into Our Fully Empowered and Inspired & Liberated Being, to take back what’s ours!
This Is Our Time To Rise Up and Shine!
I look forward to seeing you soon!
Big Hugs and Much Love
Paul :-)x
Gratitude and Appreciation:
My deepest gratitude and Heartfelt appreciation goes to Leana at for her amazing insights, healings and channelings of the Ascended Masters and for The Lady Nada 21 Day Challenge Decree process, which is where I rekindled my own remembrance of the power of Decrees; I Am The Law of Gratitude…