Sector - Construction and Airport Management

Project - New Supply Chain Strategy Implementation

Aims - Training internal change agents to design and implement performance improvements with supply chain companies, to build relationships, share cost reduction benefits and make changes stick.

What was involved?

Transfering Change Agent skills and mindsets to a new BAA Supplier Development Team, by designing and delivering a BAA Change Management and Process Improvement Programme, to orientate and empower newly selected internal change agents operating within the BAA organisation and it’s most critical 1st tier supplier companies…

Training Modules and workshops delivered included: –

  • Change Agent Orientation

  • Elimination of Waste

  • Leading and Coaching Change

  • Influencing with Integrity

  • ‘Parachuting In’ (to make change happen in specific project teams and supplier companies)

  • Learning and Application Reviews

Customer ROI…

The BAA Internal Change Agent team delivered an incredible £4.5M of bottom line cost reduction savings in their 1st year, enabled through just 40 days of consultancy support and training

Subsequent Consulting Support Assignment…

Developing a BAA Supplier Performance Improvement (PI) Toolkit, for use with critical supplier companies, to assist them in raising their performance levels, which involved…

  • Designing the BAA PI Toolkit workbook concept, process, content, format, implementation and communication approaches, with a small working group

  • Designing and facilitating workshops to trial the PI Toolkit content, with BAA Supplier Club company representatives, including AMEC plc

  • Designing learning experiences and delivery support for PI Toolkit introductory training sessions, with supplier company representatives and BAA company change facilitators

  • Effective handover and skills transfer to BAA company change agents

What the client said…

“Nick has a rare ability to really add pace to the change agenda, with a range of techniques that help people through the difficulties in adopting new processes across an organisation.”

Tony Douglas – Group Supply Chain Director, BAA plc


Hilton Group - Implementing Strategic Supplier Management & eProcurement Systems


Training Internal Change Agents to Support Change Programme Implementations