Sector - Commercial Aerospace Division

Project - £50Mpa Loss Making Financial Turnaround and Business Process Re-engineering used to Create a New Process Based Organisation Structure

Aims - £50M loss pa to Break Even, in under 2 years

What was involved?

Led a strategic planning think-tank group, to design and facilitate a new Business Plan Improvement Programme (BPIP) in conjunction with the new Avro International Aerospace Division CEO, Board of Directors and the Top100 Executive population in the company…

  • Identified key themes for breakeven and set up facilitated working groups for each theme led by an Executive Champion

  • Provided personal 1:1 coaching support to each Executive Champion

  • Designed and facilitated various executive leadership events, workshops and strategic review days

  • Supported Executive Champions and their delivery teams to plan, organise and practically deliver on stretch targets

  • Facilitated strategic review sessions on results delivery, learning capture and revision of performance delivery approaches used

  • Prevented the impending and threatened closure of regional aircraft factory sites, at that time, given the historic loss-making, financial downturns and changes in commercial aerospace marketplace

  • Implemented bottom line savings of £50M pa, enabling the Commercial Aircraft Division (5,000 employees) to reach break even point, in just under 2 years

As part of this Divisional turnaround journey I facilitated a Senior Executive Working Group, which included Directors and executive team members, to create new business process models for the whole Avro International Aerospace business…

  • Business process models were used to identify critical problems at key process stages

  • Process improvement teams were set up to change working practices, solve performance problems, implement improvements and implement leadership behaviour change requirements

  • New project and matrix based organisation redesigns were created and implemented to support multi-disciplinary teamworking

  • A ‘Process Based Organisation’ structure, with new reporting lines and operating protocols was implemented, creating significant performance improvements and organisational effectiveness benefits

  • Major culture change shifts were achieved in both management and control processes and leadership styles, across the Division

What the client said…

“In moving from a functional to a process based organisation, key activities were defined, accountabilities clarified, core processes mapped and boundaries defined. Nick’s contribution to this process and to facilitating devolution into newly defined Business Process Groups was invaluable.”

Mike Donovan, CEO – Avro International Aerospace Division, BAE Systems

“During the time Nick worked with me I was pleased by his proactivity at generating ideas and persuading others when appropriate. He was able to surface disagreement in a diplomatic manner, which avoided conflict but enabled problems to be tackled. Nick has a good sense of humour and whilst working on some difficult issues, with some difficult (and sometime abrasive) people, he retained his professionalism and seemed to know when to bring some light heartedness to the environment.”

Peter Duffy, Group HR Director – Avro International Aerospace Division, BAE Systems

“Rarely do you come across a business change facilitator who is capable of articulating the true essence of what makes businesses successful. Nick is skilled not only in the articulation, but also in the practical implementation of change management, leading to better businesses.”

Andy Flower, Organisational Effectiveness Manager – Avro International Aerospace Division, BAE Systems


Project Manager of £50M ATP Customisation Programme


Strategic Supplier Management Process Co-creation